Our Approach to Websites

Our tried and tested approach to projects provides the North Star we need to adapt to the diverse range of projects and clients we work with.

Our Approach to Websites

1 Proposal 01
1. Proposal

After you enquire with us, our Sales team compiles a custom proposal for the project.

2 Discovery 01
2. Discovery Session

We kick the project off with our Discovery Session where we learn invaluable information about your business.

3 Reverse 01
3. Return Brief

Following our Discovery Session, we compile our findings into a ‘Return Brief’, to make sure we’re on the same page.

4 UserJourney 01
4. User Journey Mapping

User Journey Mapping is a tool we use to put ourselves in your target audience’s shoes. Our findings help us design your website to suit your audience’s needs.

5 Sitemap 01
5. Sitemap & Card Sorting

To help structure the content of your website, we conduct a Card Sorting exercise, during which the key stakeholders come together to determine the page structure of the website.

6 Wireframes 01
6. Wireframes

Armed with our findings from our research and strategy sessions, we begin creating the wireframes for the website. This stage is about layout and user flows through the site, rather than the look and feel.

7 Designs 01
7. Designs

We bring the site to life with your business’ visual identity; fonts, colours, graphic elements, illustrations, photos and much more are introduced.

8 Dev 01
8. Development

Our developers build the designs, make the site responsive across devices, and launch it to ‘staging’ - a live version of the site that isn’t public.

9 Staging 01
9. Staging & Content Load

Your content is loaded onto the staging site, where you get to make final adjustments.

10 Launch 01
10. Launch

Your site is set out into the world.